SuperPower Squad (SQUAD) Tether (USDT)
Name Region Volume
Last Price
10,787.8% diff
Fee Fiat money Features News
Cayman-Islands 19,011,439.56 SQUAD 0.00092800 USDT 0%-0.2%
20% OFF

20% fee discount Gateio has some serious support issues
Hong-Kong 4,248,766.09 SQUAD 0.00092700 USDT 0.0125%-0.1% (Maker)
0.03%-0.1% (Taker)

NY citizen trying to sell XRP while out of the country
Singapore 1,600.00 SQUAD 0.10093000 USDT 0.014%-0.02% (Maker)
0.042%-0.06% (Taker)
Futures contract
(125x leverage)
Weekly 300,000 USDT
📣 MEXC exchange announces support for the upcoming eCash XEC network upgrade! ⚙️✅
3 exchange(s) from 39 countries (updated )